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A message from Dudu

    Inspire The World With Your Story

Great people are regarded as great because their stories were told. The written form of communicating and transferring the waves of a triumphant boat to the shores of another generation has been with us since the dawn of civilization and it will continue to be the dominant form of preserving history and conduit of the inspirational electricity that will power others and spring them on board.

The most important messages that have shaped history and influenced cultures were passed through books. The bible, the koran, and other religious books conveying messages and doctrines have one thing in common, a comprehensive package of written texts. Some say the invention of videos and audio has blurred the lines and that written messages aren't as sacrosanct as they were in the past. But what makes a powerful story inspirational is the construct and comprehensiveness of a structure that can only be delivered through texts. Read More

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